A non-stereotypical case of depression?

05.06.2019 von Madli | radioCORE | Permalink

A non-stereotypical case of depression?

Depression is being talked about more and more but the attitudes toward it are often based on certain stereotypes. In reality, the causes and symptoms of depression can vary a lot. A young woman tells how she realised that she had depression during her studies in psychology and how she dealt with the situation. She shows how the dominating image of a depressed person can be false and hurtful. © radioCORE




I am Madli, a 27-year-old student from Estonia, based in Vienna. I believe in the power of stories to help others with similar challenges in life and to create more understanding among those with different experiences. My studies in social and cultural anthropology have taught me to look for and acknowledge different perspectives in every situation. And to listen.


Adulti , Famiglia , Tabù , Estonia , Adults , Family , Estonia , Taboos

Inspiration. Mut. Wissen.
Geschichten von Menschen aus aller Welt zu den Themen Identität, Tabu und Lebenskrisen.