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14.11.2023 von ra, AwakenShepherd | radioCORE | Permalink

Eines Tages wacht die Erzählerin dieser Geschichte - schwerst verletzt - in einer Intensivstation auf. Sie kann sich an den Verkehrsunfall, der sie “wie ein warmes Bündel Fleisch” dorthin gebracht hat, nicht mehr erinnern. Nach 11 Wochen im Spital folgt dann die erste 3-monatige Reha. In Etappen wird der Weg geschildert, der sie langsam zurück in die Selbstständigkeit führt: wieder alleine leben, endlich wieder Auto fahren. @‌ra

Musik: Diese Story wird begleitet vom Song “Speed” von Werner Jauk aka Awaken Shepherd, er selbst Reha-Gast im Radkersburger Hof.

Bild: Speed-Cover @Awaken Shepherd




In the course of my life, I have become a listener. For many years, I have been listening to my students' stories in the Italian courses I teach. I am happy to have become able to communicate with anyone. I think that words are not just a vehicle for information, but an experience in themselves. I started with radioCORE in 2021, with the first stories in Italian.



Werner August Jauk aka Awaken Shepherd was born on 07.08.1971 in Voitsberg and grew up on the farm of his parents. Only with 18 years he began to be interested in music and picked up the guitar. In 1990 he founded the band Faceless with his friend Gerit G., who left already in 1993 and went his own way. Werner organized his own festival "Rock Teigitsch" from 2003 until 2008. In 2007 it was over with Faceless and after the last Rock Teigitsch he took over his parents' farm and devoted himself to his flock of sheep and the fish ponds. The first years after the end of Faceless Werner did not take his guitar in hand, he needed distance from the music. By chance, an old music video of his song "crazy Love" ended up on YouTube in 2015, sung at the time by Nicole W. A friend of Nicole's heard it and was keen to have it played live at a benefit. Werner then got the desire to make music again. He also mourned his friend Gerit, who left the stage of life way too early in 2013, and wrote him the song „Rip“. Werner decided to realize his own songs under Awaken Shepherd, a project with guest musicians. In 2019, a band should develop again - but then came Corona! And so the "Shepherd" continued to work only in the studio.
In 2023 I got in contact with radioCORE and set the first podcast to music with the melody of a not yet published song. The music of Awaken Shepherd is like life itself - sometimes quiet sometimes loud - sometimes thoughtful and then fun again. Music is energy and energy is life.

Listen in:


Der Song "Speed", von Awaken Shepherd, 1994 entstanden, wurde 20 Jahre danach mit Jonny Popper neu arrangiert und aufgenommen. Eine zweite Story wird hier parallel zur ersten erzählt, die von einem Motorradfahrer, der die Geschwindigkeit liebt. 


Erwachsene , Lebensgeschichten , Lebenskrisen , Österreich , Radkersburger-Stories

Inspiration. Mut. Wissen.
Geschichten von Menschen aus aller Welt zu den Themen Identität, Tabu und Lebenskrisen.