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Stories of distancing ourselves from the things we used to love. Should we deny them in order to fit in? Or do we embrace them and live with the consequences?


Speaking the unspeakable.


Stories about events that forced a new beginning.

Celebrities speak

Public personalities share their experiences with us.

Life stories

Personal stories about different lifestyles and priorities.

Special institutions

Commitment, courage and a willingness to help those in need – that’s what these institutions are all about. They don’t want to be anything special, however, but rather strive to be ordinary. A brief introduction.

Special institutions

Commitment, courage and a willingness to help those in need – that’s what these institutions are all about. They don’t want to be anything special, however, but rather strive to be ordinary. A brief introduction.

Inspiration. Courage. Knowledge.
Personal stories from people from all over the world on the topics of identity, taboos and life crises.