From classical music to acting and creative musicianship

17.11.2020 of Madli | Permalink

From classical music to acting and creative musicianship

Maria is a musician and an actress. Music was always her passion but her life changed when she realised that the strict world of classical music is not the only possible path. This is a story of how she freed herself from preset boundaries, learned to express her creativity in new ways, and rediscovered music through acting.
In between, you can hear her own compositions. © Madli




I am Madli, a 27-year-old student from Estonia, based in Vienna. I believe in the power of stories to help others with similar challenges in life and to create more understanding among those with different experiences. My studies in social and cultural anthropology have taught me to look for and acknowledge different perspectives in every situation. And to listen.


Art , Identity , Estonia , Work

Inspiration. Courage. Knowledge.
Personal stories from people from all over the world on the topics of identity, taboos and life crises.