Mama, du schläfst halt immer

10.09.2023 von Jerry, AwakenShepherd | Permalink

Mama, du schläfst halt immer

Immer sehr müde, viele Power Naps, neurologische Ausfälle, Erinnerungslücken. Irgendwas stimmt nicht, das war klar. Diverse Untersuchungen haben kein Ergebnis gebracht. Bis die Kinder beim Fernsehen riefen: Mama komm her, da zeigen sie, was du hast. Die Erzählerin möchte ihre Geschichte gerne teilen, damit andere auf diese Diagnose aufmerksam gemacht werden und wissen was zu tun ist, sollten sie sich angesprochen fühlen. © Jerry

Die Geschichte entstand in Kooperation mit dem Radkersburger Hof.

Bild: Alina Perekatenkova, unsplash

Musik: Awaken Shepherd




I love talking to people and learning about their ways of life. Such an inspiration. You never know in which direction the conversation goes. It is always a journey; a trip to a personal story that one shares with me and the listeners of radioCORE. I have been recording stories for radioCORE since 2018.



Werner August Jauk aka Awaken Shepherd was born on 07.08.1971 in Voitsberg and grew up on the farm of his parents. Only with 18 years he began to be interested in music and picked up the guitar. In 1990 he founded the band Faceless with his friend Gerit G., who left already in 1993 and went his own way. Werner organized his own festival "Rock Teigitsch" from 2003 until 2008. In 2007 it was over with Faceless and after the last Rock Teigitsch he took over his parents' farm and devoted himself to his flock of sheep and the fish ponds. The first years after the end of Faceless Werner did not take his guitar in hand, he needed distance from the music. By chance, an old music video of his song "crazy Love" ended up on YouTube in 2015, sung at the time by Nicole W. A friend of Nicole's heard it and was keen to have it played live at a benefit. Werner then got the desire to make music again. He also mourned his friend Gerit, who left the stage of life way too early in 2013, and wrote him the song „Rip“. Werner decided to realize his own songs under Awaken Shepherd, a project with guest musicians. In 2019, a band should develop again - but then came Corona! And so the "Shepherd" continued to work only in the studio.
In 2023 I got in contact with radioCORE and set the first podcast to music with the melody of a not yet published song. The music of Awaken Shepherd is like life itself - sometimes quiet sometimes loud - sometimes thoughtful and then fun again. Music is energy and energy is life.

Listen in:


The music of Awaken Shepherd is like life itself - sometimes quiet sometimes loud - sometimes thoughtful and then fun again. Music is energy and energy is life.


Lebenskrisen , Österreich , Radkersburger-Stories

Inspiration. Mut. Wissen.
Geschichten von Menschen aus aller Welt zu den Themen Identität, Tabu und Lebenskrisen.