Ultima fermata Trieste

23.07.2021 of Niklas, ra | radioCORE | Permalink

Ultima fermata Trieste

Lascia il Pakistan fuggendo da una vita pericolosa. In macchina, a piedi nella neve, in gommone, un giovane uomo che non ha perso il sorriso attraversa Iran, Turchia, Grecia, Macedonia, Serbia, Croazia, Ungheria, Austria, Germania, vede morire i compagni di viaggio e conosce il freddo, la fame, i ricatti e la violenza. Arriva infine a Trieste, città sconosciuta, ultima fermata di un treno preso a caso e punto di partenza per una vita nuova. ©ra

Musica: Niklas Chroust

Foto: stazione di Trieste, ©Donatella




Mit sechs Jahren begann ich mit dem Klavierunterricht. Im Laufe der Zeit entdeckte ich die Freude am Komponieren und begann im Jahr 2016 mit dem Kompositionsunterricht bei Hans G. Kitzbichler an der Johann Sebastian Bach Musikschule, wo ich bis heute mit Leidenschaft dabei bin. Seit Oktober 2022 studiere ich an der Universität für Musik und darstellende Kunst Wien (mdw) Komposition bei Gerald Resch. Für radioCORE komponiere ich seit 2020.



In the course of my life, I have become a listener. For many years, I have been listening to my students' stories in the Italian courses I teach. I am happy to have become able to communicate with anyone. I think that words are not just a vehicle for information, but an experience in themselves. I started with radioCORE in 2021, with the first stories in Italian.


The piece called "Rabe - Corvus" is a piece for solo piano and belongs to the cycle "Sternbilder – Astra". The Raven is related to the two other constellations, the Water Serpent (https://www.radiocore.at/de/blog/die-kirche-im-dorf-145) and the Cup (https://www.radiocore.at/de/blog/luft-zum-atmen-142), both already published on radioCORE. The water serpent is said to have prevented the raven from fetching water for Apollo with a cup. In this interview only the raven is represented musically.


Adulti , Italia , Crisi

Inspiration. Courage. Knowledge.
Personal stories from people from all over the world on the topics of identity, taboos and life crises.